Pubblicazioni Scientifiche
F. Dallari; A. Mariotti, Lo sviluppo locale tra turismo e cultura. Alcuni spunti di riflessione per l'area mediterranea, in: Progetto e Restauro, FIRENZE, Alinea, 2010, pp. 18 - 28 (atti di: Salone del Restauro di Ferrara, Ferrara, 24-27 marzo 2010) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Marina Naldi; Serban Dobroiu; Dan V. Nicolau; Vincenza Andrisano, AFM study of F-actin on chemically modified surfaces, in: Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications VI, LIVERPOOL, Alexander N. Cartwright; Dan V. Nicolau, Editors, 2010, 7574, pp. 0D1 - 0D6 (atti di: SPIE, S.Diego CA, USA, 19-23 January 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Motori E.; Angeloni C.; Leoncini E.; Malaguti M.; Fabbri D.; Hrelia S., Inflammatory autophagic events in cortical astrocytes: a novel target for the nutraceutical compound sulforaphane., in: FENS Abstracts, AMSTERDAM, s.n, 2010, 5, pp. 164.15 - 164.15 (atti di: 7th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 3-7 luglio) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
M. Granaiola; A. Andreani; S. Bellini; S. Burnelli; A. Leoni; A. Locatelli; R. Morigi; M. Rambaldi; L. Varoli; N. Calonghi; C. Cappadone; M. Zini; C. Stefanelli; L. Masotti; R.H. Shoemaker, SUBSTITUTED E-3-(3-INDOLYLMETHYLENE)1,3-DIHYDROINDOL-2-ONES WITH ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY. IN-DEPTH STUDY OF THE EFFECT ON GROWTH OF BREAST CANCER CELLS., in: ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY DIVISION OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, XX National Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry - Book of Abstracts, PADOVA, s.n, 2010, pp. 145 - 145 (atti di: XX National Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Abano Terme, September 12-16) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
C. Angeloni; S. Turroni; L. Bianchi; D. Fabbri; E. Motori; M. Malaguti; E. Leoncini; L. Bini; P. Brigidi; S. Hrelia, Novel targets of sulforaphane in cardiomyocytes identified by proteomic analysis., in: 55th National Meeting of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB)-Congress Abstracts, MILANO, s.n, 2010, -, pp. 73 - 73 (atti di: 55th National Meeting of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB), Milano, 14-17 settembre) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
E. Motori; C. Angeloni; E. Leoncini; M. Malaguti; D. Fabbri; P.L. Biagi; S. Hrelia., Targeting autophagy in inflammed cortical astrocytes: novel protective strategies for nutraceutical compounds., in: 55th National Meeting of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB)-Congress Abstracts, MILANO, s.n, 2010, -, pp. 37 - 37 (atti di: 55th National Meeting of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB), Milano, 14-17 settembre) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Cicchella A.; Mancini G.; Giovanardi A., Fully automated motion analysis in javelin throw, in: null, «JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS», 2010, suppl. 1 al nr. 3, pp. 3 - 4 (atti di: Convegno Società Italiana di scienze motorie e sportive, Torino, 30 sett-2 ott. 2010) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
ANTOGNONI F.; SOLIMEO M.; PAGNUCCO C.; D’ ABROSCA B.; MONACO P.; BIONDI S.; POLI F.;, Produzione di fenilpropanoidi da colture in vitro di Teucrium chamaedry L. ., in: Fitomed 2010 IV congresso Intersocietà sulle piante medicinali, Abstracts,, MILANO, GV edizioni- Natural 1, 2010, pp. 51 - 51 (atti di: Fitomed 2010 IV congresso Intersocietà sulle piante medicinali,, Cagliari, 23-26 giugno 2010.) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
SACCHETTI G.; DOSSI D.; MAIETTI S.; GRANDINI A.; SARO K.; USELI C.; MALVENZI L.; MARESCA I.; POLI F.; ANTOGNONI F.; GUERRINI A.; MUZZOLI M.;, Azadirachta indica : caratterizzazione biologico farmaceutica di una preparazione erboristica ayurvedica., in: Fitomed 2010 IV congresso Intersocietà sulle piante medicinali, Abstracts, MILANO, GV edizioni – Natural 1, 2010, pp. 107 - 107 (atti di: Fitomed 2010 IV congresso Intersocietà sulle piante medicinali,, Cagliari, 23-26 giugno 2010.) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Aibast H.; Ramadori R.; Cicchella A.; Paasuke M., The 15th markers foot model testing is sprinters to analyze rear-foot , mid-foot and fore-foot motion during running and walking. The pilot study., in: JURIS GRANTS, Physical activity and sport in changing society:research, theory, practice and management, RIGA, Latvian Academy of Sport Education, 2010, pp. 18 - 18 (atti di: 3rd Baltic Sport Conference, Riga, 29 aprile-1 maggio 2010) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
D. Fabbri; C. Angeloni; E. Motori; M. Malaguti; E. Leoncini; S. Hrelia., H2O2 preconditioning protects cardiomyocytes through phase II enzyme induction and p38 MAPK and Akt signalling., in: Atti del XVII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Ricerche Cardiovascolari, s.l, s.n, 2010, pp. 63 - 63 (atti di: XVII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Ricerche Cardiovascolari, Imola (Bologna), 7-9 ottobre) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Bartolini M.; Naldi M.; Fiori J.; Valle F.; Biscarini F.; Nicolau D.V.; Andrisano V., A MULTI-METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH FOR BETA-AMYLOID AGGREGATION AND INHIBITION STUDIES, in: XX National Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry - Book of Abstracts, PADOVA, CLEUP sc, 2010, pp. 74 - 74 (atti di: XX National Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Abano Terme, Padova, September 12-16, 2010) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
M. Bartolini; M. Naldi; D. V. Nicolau; F.C.M.J.M. van Delft; J. van Zijl; J. Snijder; F.C. van den Heuvel; V. Andrisano, Acetylcholinesterase oriented immobilization on nanopatterned bilayered surfaces for biosensing devices, in: MNE 2010 - 36th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering - Programme Guide, s.l, s.n, 2010, pp. 49 - 49 (atti di: MNE 2010 - 36th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, Genoa, 19-22 September 2010) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Gruodyte R.; Jurimae J.; Cicchella A.; Stefanelli C.; Passariello C.; Jurimae T.;, Bone mineral density and adipocytokines in adolescent female athletes with different physical activity patterns, in: JURIS GRANT, phsyical activity and sport in changing society: research, theory, practice and management, RIGA, Latvian academy of physical education, 2010, pp. 24 - 24 (atti di: 3rd Baltic Sport Science Conference, Riga, 29 april-1 may 2010) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
ML Bolognesi; M Rosini; A Minarini; V Tumiatti; A Cavalli; M Bartolini; V Andrisano; R Fato; C Bergamini; C Melchiorre, Rational design of multitarget-directed antioxidants: merging memoquin and lipocrine molecular frameworks, in: Final Program and Poster Abstractsfor the 11th International Geneva/Springfield Symposium on Advances in Alzheimer Therapy, s.l, s.n, 2010, pp. 93 - 93 (atti di: 11th International Geneva/Springfield Symposium on Advances in Alzheimer Therapy, Geneva, Switzerland, March, 24-27, 2010) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Cortesi M.; Zamparo P.; Tam E.; Da Boit M.; Gatta G., The effect of wearing a synthetic rubber suit on hydrostatic lift and lung volume, in: KJENDLIE P.L., STALLMAN L.K., CABRI J., Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI, OSLO, Norwegian School of Sport Science, 2010, XI, pp. 57 - 59 (atti di: Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI, Oslo, 16-19 June 2010) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Gatta G.; Fantozzi S.; Cortesi M.; Patti F.; Bonifazi M., The mechanical power output in water polo game: a case report, in: KJENDLIE P.L., STALLMAN L.K., CABRI J., Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI, OSLO, Norwegian School of Science Sport, 2010, XI, pp. 84 - 86 (atti di: Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI, Oslo, 16-19 june 2010) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Ceseracciu E.; Ceccon S.; Sawacha Z.; Fantozzi S.; Gatta G.; Cortesi M.; Cobelli C., Application of cast technique to 3d motion analysis of front crawl swimming, in: KJENDLIE P.L., STALLMAN L.K., CABRI J., XIth International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming, OSLO, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, 2010, pp. 91 - 91 (atti di: Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI, Oslo, 16-19 june 2010) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Gatta G.; Cortesi M.; Zok M.; Lanotte N.; Vannozzi G., Comparison between two different types of instruments: an encoder and an inertial sensor device, in: KJENDLIE P.L., STALLMAN L.K., CABRI J., XIth International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming, OSLO, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, 2010, pp. 94 - 95 (atti di: Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI, Oslo, 16-19 june 2010) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Cortesi M.; Ceseracciu E.; Sawacha Z.; Gatta G., Which is the recommend duration for the tethered swimming test?, in: KJENDLIE P.L., STALLMAN L.K., CABRI J., XIth International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming, OSLO, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, 2010, pp. 91 - 91 (atti di: Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI, Oslo, 16-19 june 2010) [Riassunto (Abstract)]